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corensis air

Selective allergen detecting air quality device that aims to increase the comfort of asthma patients at home, supported by a network of medical professionals.

UX & UI: Ece Günesen, Vefa Yılmaz

ID: Doğaç Sağırosmanoğlu

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a breath of fresh air

Asthma, allergies and respiratory illnesses play a crucial role in our lives, as they can significantly impact our overall well-being as well our level of comfort. Corensis Air is an allergen-detecting air purifier that learns from the habits of its users by encouraging them to keep a symptom diary to later provide articulated insights about their symptom patterns.


* image courtesy of Corensis Air's CMOS sensor.


During onboarding, the device shows that access point state is on through LEDs.

holistic wellness

Air is intended to be used alongside with regular consultations with medical professionals within a product-service system. The device and the app talk to eachother through the cloud and together assess the air quality along with the patient and symptom data to give insights that can help associate the particular sensitivities with their triggering allergens or parameters. The data is stored in the cloud to be shared with medical professionals according to users’ given consent.

The symptom diary and questionnaire is created together in tandem with both asthma patients and immunologists.

The learning model is able to tell which allergens are around us by filtering the air and analyzing the shape of the microscopic scale pollen and debris.



Why pollen can no longer be ignored:

Air pollution can exacerbate pollen allergies. Pollen from polluted areas are covered with pollutant particles and their allergen content is altered, which may intensify their effect.

Air Pollution and Climate Change Effects on Allergies in the Anthropocene: Abundance, Interaction, and Modification of Allergens and Adjuvants

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