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connected home

Navigating the complexities of the smarthome across diverse interfaces with a focus on cohesion and responsibility.


I was the primary responsible for overseeing the Homewhiz ecosystem for two years. I worked on specific experiences of connected domestic appliances such as; robot vaccuum cleaners, air quality devices, small kitchen appliances and more. 

My responsibilities extended to diverse areas, encompassing physical interfaces, mobile experiences, and overall holistic interactions within the smart home environment. Additionally, I successfully trained new colleagues and tackled various complex scenarios; including onboarding, eco-feedback, interoperability, consent practices, cybersecurity scenarios, as well as user advocacy and alignment within the organization. With my colleagues, I played a crucial role in designing and maintaining the HomeWhiz design system which got recognition at UX design awards 2023.


During this time, I also led a design driven taskforce and consistently rolled out UX improvements together with developers and PMs. In a year, our collective efforts resulted in app ratings above 4.5*, which equals roughly a hundred percent increase.

*bound to change by location, cannot give the exact number

projects    [under construction]

Here is a sneak peak of some of the projects I took primary responsibility in. I cannot share everything yet, but I'm always happy to discuss more— just reach out!

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In my work, I focused on user advocacy, aligned goals, and facilitation, collaborating closely with developers and product management to implement best practices and create guides.

design system


Ensuring a seamless experience all across the ecosystem, by acknowledging the ever-growing needs of the smart home. 

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30+ devices

 Major and small domestic appliances, air quality and smart peripherals


We began by identifying common patterns across existing product typologies and established a high-level list of requirements. Existing assets were organized by features, product categories, and projects, aligning them with our master templates. Configurations and structures were defined for various library types (Core, Product, App, project-specific, etc.). Later, an action sheet and detailed plan were developed to guide the implementation process. 

It took around 2 years and a team of 3 designated UX designers supported by 1 visual designer to reach its current status. The system is still alive and growing by the changing needs.

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aligned autonomy

By fostering collaboration across teams and adopting interconnected documentation practices, we create a self-nurturing synchronization of UX processes and promote aligned autonomy. Our system evolves organically around a shared visual language, uniting all elements seamlessly and ensuring a consistent product experience.

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To build more on aligned autonomy, I worked in developing internal toolboxes and documentation standards for my colleagues.

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